歡迎旅客多加利用手機 T-EX 行動購票 App 購買對號座或自由座車票。欲購買自由座車票的旅客,只要下載最新版 T-EX 行動購票 App,並開啟手機藍牙功能,抵達車站內(或前往售票窗口、自動售票機、進站閘門等周圍區域),就可透過 T-EX 的「今日自由座」專區立即購得當日自該站出發的自由座車票 1 張,直接持購票手機感應 QR code 票證進站搭車,享受隨到、隨買、隨搭乘的便利服務。(使用 Android 12 以上版本之手機的旅客請同步允許 T-EX 存取「精確位置」)
相關操作流程可參考「T-EX 自由座購票服務說明」。
To save time, passengers intending to purchase tickets for non-reserved seats or reserved seats, are advised to use the T Express app.
For passengers want to buy tickets for non-reserved seats, the T Express app allows you to purchase a single one-way ticket for non-reserved seats for travel on the same day.
Please update the T Express app to the latest version and enable the Bluetooth function. Once inside the THSR station, you can open the app and select the "Non-Reserved" section. The system will automatically set the current station as the departure station. All you have to do is choose the desired destination station and ticket type, then you will immediately get your non-reserved seat mobile ticket after payment is completed.